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Customer Testimonials

“After decades of usage I would like to give thanks to Oly-Ola Edgings for their Edg-King product. Its design has brilliantly solved the problem with other edging types that frost heave out of the ground. Keep up the good work.”

Gary Klooster - Owner/Operator
Klooster Landscaping, Inc.,  

“Oly-Ola’s landscape edging and paver restraints remain the only PVC/poly edging products we sell through our wholesale distribution center. Oly-Ola has always represented great value...the combinations of great product, customer service, personal relationship and cost. They are the reason they can proudly celebrate their 40th Anniversary. It is a byproduct of their focus on a simple principle of great product...great people...guaranteed.”

Steve Alford - President
Landscape Supply Inc.,  

"For almost 20 years, I have been using Oly-Ola’s Bric-EdgTM on sidewalk and patio projects and I have never had a recall on any of the installations. The edging stays under the pavers and doesn’t move out like the other edging products."

Brian Rice - Owner
Pavers Inc.,  

“We recommend Oly-Ola's Teco-EdgTM as a highly successful and integral component of the Green Infrastructure Bioswale Construction. Durable and easy to install!"

Matthew DiVittorio
JPL Corporation,  

"Oly-Ola provides unmatched quality and excellent products along with prompt delivery.  We have been very happy with Oly-Ola products and would highly recommend them to anyone."

Rob Grosteffon - Owner
Outdoor Landscape Imaging,