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Customer Testimonials

"Oly-Ola: great product, great people, great service!"

Mike Doyle - Owner
Doyle Brick Paving,  

"Witchita Valley Landscape has been an Oly-Ola customer for over ten years. We particularly like Oly-Ola's 6" high Super-Edg landscape edging. With its super high quality construction, Super-Edg requires little maintenance and outlasts all other landscape edgings by many years.


We are located in North Central Texas where Bermuda Grass is the lawn grass of choice.  Because Bermuda Grass is hard to contain, it laughs at 4" edgings so the only edging product we have been able to use successfully is Super-Edg.  Oly Ola is a great company to work with and I cannot say enough good things about them."

Nila Dowlearn - Owner
Wichita Valley Landscape,  

"I have been working with Oly-Ola since 1985 and have been very happy with their customer service. They are responsive to my needs and quick to get back to me. For example, when I call them, I get a call right back. We work out the order and delivery arrangements and they ship the product right out. Oly-Ola is really on top of things!"

Pete Motz - Owner
Plum Line Landscape & Design,  

"We like dealing with Oly-Ola because not only do they have great edging products, but they also get our orders right every time and they ship orders out in a timely fashion."

Tim Doubrava
Bissett Nursery,  

"We have been using Oly-Ola's Bric-Edg paver restraints for over 9 years.  We will not even consider doing paver jobs without Bric-Edg.  This edging really stays in the ground.  We feel that a paver job is not complete unless it has Oly-Ola edgings."

Rick Gibson - Owner
Gibson Landscape Services,